Rugby Points

In the sport of rugby, there are two ways to score points. These are by try and by conversion. A try is worth 5 points, and a conversion is worth 2 points. So, if you are wondering how many points is a try in rugby, the answer is 5 points.

How to Score a Try in Rugby 

A try is scored when the ball carrier grounds the ball in the opponent’s in-goal area. The team with the ball gets 5 points for this and also gets a chance to score an additional 2 points with a conversion kick. 

To score a conversion, the team must place the ball on or between the opponents’ goal posts and successfully kick it through the posts. If successful, this scores 2 additional points for a total of 7 points scored on that one play.  

Rugby Points

While scoring a try and conversion may seem simple, it actually requires coordination and strategy from the entire team. The ball must be moved down the field through passing and running, and the kick for conversion must also be planned and executed precisely. 

What is the reason for the difference?

The main reason for the difference in value between a try and a touchdown is that rugby is a much more fluid game than American football. In rugby, there are no set plays and no timeouts; the flow of the game is continuous. Because of this, Rugby players have to be able to think on their feet and make split-second decisions. This makes tries much harder to score than touchdowns. 

Another contributing factor to the difference in value is that, in order to score a try, the Rugby player must ground the ball in the opponent’s in-goal area. This sounds simple enough, but it is actually quite difficult to do. The in-goal area is small, and there are often multiple defenders trying to stop the player from grounding the ball. In comparison, touchdowns can be scored from anywhere on the field of play. 

Scoring in rugby may seem complicated, but it can be quite thrilling to witness a team work together to score a try and conversion. Next time you watch a game of rugby, pay attention to the strategies and teamwork that go into scoring points. And remember, a try is worth 5 points. 


Knowing how many points a try in rugby can help you determine what strategy to use during a game. If your team is behind and needs to score quickly, you may want to go for a try instead of going for a conversion. However, if you are ahead and just need to maintain your lead, going for a conversion may be the better option since it will only add 2 more points to your score. Whichever strategy you decide to use, make sure you know how many points each option is worth so that you can make an informed decision!

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